Thursday, October 2, 2008

Knowledge quotes

Albert Einstein: Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.

Anais Nin: The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh: If one is estranged from oneself, then one is estranged from others too. If one is out of touch with oneself, then one cannot touch others.

Benjamin Jowett: We cannot seek or attain health, wealth, learning, justice or kindness in general. Action is always specific, concrete, individualized, unique.

Benjamin Spock: Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.

Bertrand Russell: The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.

Bertrand Russell: Three passions have governed my life: The longings for love, the search for knowledge, And unbearable pity for the suffering of [humankind].
Love brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness. In the union of love I have seen In a mystic miniature the prefiguring vision Of the heavens that saints and poets have imagined.
With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of [people]. I have wished to know why the stars shine.
Love and knowledge led upwards to the heavens, But always pity brought me back to earth; Cries of pain reverberated in my heart Of children in famine, of victims tortured And of old people left helpless. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, And I too suffer.
This has been my life; I found it worth living.
Blaise Pascal: We must learn our limits. We are all something, but none of us are everything.


  1. gud work buddy,keep on going ,u wil touch d sky one wishes r wid u

  2. knowledge quotes are very useful for every body

  3. Keep it up. Just believe in yourself, success is yours.

  4. U collect VERY nice colection of all .....u will reach at the pick of sky..........this is mine wishes too......ALL THE BEST....

  5. these statements are the real invention of them, implementing these into our actions will lead us to unveil the real coarse of the life.

  6. the knowledge quotes are very knowledgeable

  7. the quotatations are useful for all

  8. Quotes are very knowlegeble

  9. knowledge quotes are very good

  10. it is a nice page......keep it up

  11. Knowledge quotes is so good

  12. good knowledge quotes


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