Monday, April 6, 2009

Personality Test

Fill in using the appropriate response as given below:
Never (1) Sometimes (2) Frequently (3) Always (4)

1. When my feelings are hurt I express this…………….(1 or 2 or 3 or 4)
2. Others value my opinions………………..
3. I feel intellectually capable……………..
4. I feel worthy of the gifts that have been offered to me…………….
5. I am satisfied with my personal development up to now…………..
6. I consider comparing myself with other people to be a waste of time…………….
7. I enjoy meeting and talking with new people. …….
8. I feel comfortable in social gatherings……………
9. I am happy to be me and wouldn’t want to be anybody else ……
10. I like my present life situation………….
11. I am happy with the way I live my life. ……..
12. I like my present place and residence……….
13. I enjoy my work…………….
14. People admire me. …….
15. I am considerate about others. ……..
16. I enjoy getting up in the mornings ……
17. I am self-reliant. …….
18. I make a big contribution to the lives of others. …….
19. I enjoy attending to my own needs: in eating, exercise and general care of myself………….
20. I try to make sure I lead a balanced life-enough rest, work, play……….
21. I enjoy my time alone………..
22. I like myself……….
23. I respect myself………..
24. I value myself………..
25. I see myself as a good-looking person. …..
26. I see myself as attractive to the opposite sex………..
27. I think of myself as a loving person……….
28. I think of myself as a confident person………..
29. I think of myself as a sharing person…………..
30. I see my self as a successful person…………….

Count your score: My score is …………
if your score is above 80:
You are a high achiever with a high degree of self-esteem. You should analyse how you can improve further so that you can take up leadership responsibilities in your chosen field.
If your core is between 51 and 80:
You are reasonably successful with high self-esteem. Still, you need to hone your communication skills. You should also develop better self-esteem by undertaking challenges and overcoming them. There is no greater morale booster than the thrill of confronting head-on real challenges as they unfold.
If your core is between 21 and 50:
You have hidden potential but unfortunately you are a medium achiever possibility due to low self-esteem and fear of failure or opposition. Don’t worry about themand do what you think is correct. Success will be yours, if not now, definitely soon. Remember, the man who wins is the one who thinks he can!
if your core is 20 or less:
You are a somewhat low achiever with very low self-esteem. You should actively try to improve your personality. Is is never too late.

Source: Aryan International College, Ajmer


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