First in the world
First in The World
- The First Person to cross the Atlantic in an open wicker basket hot air Balloon : David Hemapleman Adams
- The First Woman Civilian Police adviser of the U. N.: Kiran Bedi
- The First person in the world to land in the moon : Neil Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin
- The First man to enter space: Major Yuri Gafarin(Russian)
- The First first unmanned spaceship to have Softland and lifted off from the moon to return to the earth: Luna-16(USSR) sept. 21,1970
- The First woman cosmonaut of the world: Velentina Tereshkova
- The First Space Vehicle to land on the moon : Lunar Exploration Module(LEM) Nick-Named ‘Eagle’
- The First space ship which carried three American astronauts to land two of them on the moon : Apollo-11
- The Firstcountry to send man to the moon: USA
- The First space rocket brought back to earth after orbiting the moon: Zond-5
- First crew transfer betweeen the orbiting space ships: Soyuz T-15 with Mir Space Station.
- The first mission of a ling-up in space by manned space ships of USA and Soviet Union: Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Mission(ASTP) (launched on July 15 and linked up in space on July 17,1975
- The first man to fly into space belonging to a country other than Russia or the USA: Remek (Czechoslovakia)
- The first to launch earth satellite or artificial baby moon: USSR
- The first spaceship in the world to sample moon’s crust: Surveyor-3(USA)
- The first space vehicle to soft land on moon: Luna 9 (USSR)
- The first manned spaceship to perform the longest stay in space (11 days): Apollo-7 (USA)
- The first man to win 4 Olympic gold medals: Alvin Kranzein (USA) in 1900
- The first lawn tennis player who won the Wimbledon championship for five years consecutively: Bjorn Borg
- First batsman to score three Test Century in three successive Tests on debut: Mohd. Azharuddin (India)
- World’s first Cricketer to score more than, 11,000 runs in his test carrier: Allan Border of Aushtralia swith more than 11,000 runs.
- The first person to reach the South Pole: Amundsen (Norway)
- The first person to have climbed Mount Everst: Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing 19th May,1953
- The firstperson to sail round the world: Ferdinanad Magellan (Portugal)
- The first man to have climber Mount Everest Twice: Nawant Gombu
- The first vessel ever to reach the North Pole by sailing thought the thick Arctic ice: Soviet Arktika Atomic-powered (ice-breaker)
- The leader of the expedition ‘Ocean to Sky’: Sir Edmund Hillary
- The first two mountaineers who reached the summit of Everest without using oxygen: Peter Habeler (Austria) and Reinhold Messner (Italy)
- The first woman Prime Minister of a country twice: Mrs. S.Bandarnaike (Sri Lanka)
- The first Presideint of the USA: George Washington
- The first President of the Chinese Republic: Sun Yet Sen
- The first European to visit China: Marco Polo
- The first US President to resign Presidency: Richard Nixon
- The first woman Ambassador of Britain: Anne Warburton
- The first woman Prime Minister of a European Country: Margaret Thatcher
- Woman Bishop: Rev Barbara C. Harris (USA)
- Lady President of a country: Maria Estela Person (Argentina)
- The first Muslim women to win Nobel Prize: Shirin Ebadi.
- Civilian Police Advisor in U.N.: Ms. Kiran Bedi.
- 400 Run maker in an inning of Test Cricket: Brain Lara
- Claimer of hat-trick in very first over of test match cricket: Irfan Pathan (India)
- One Thousand wicket taker in International cricket: M.Murlitharan (Sri Lanka)
- Highest Runs in Test Matches and ODI: SachinTendulkar
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